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Progress, Harmony, Innovation. "founded in 1976, Pao Shen" Enterprises Co., Ltd. Has marched off the 30th year in the stage of manufacturing Stationery and Office Supplies.

As a world leadling in stapling & punching, we have invested the most advanced facilities in researching and tooling to assure the output of high quality products.

Ongoing development with professional skills in this specialized filed, Pao Shen can confront the challenge of today's dynamic world market with relish.

Stepping firmly forward to meet tomorrow's
needs, Pao Shen always make products
under the tradition "Quality is the best
service." The winning of the ISO 9002
accreditation in 1997 is the best proof of
our outstanding performance.

However the competition exists in the market, Pao Shen can establish a strong foothold in the world, which will ascribe to continue supports of our customers and efforts of our staffs.

Everlasting management in this specialized field, Pao Shen has won prestign and quality that is known all over the world under Its brand name KW-triO, selling to more than 110 countries worldwide.

No matter when and what you need, you can always select and Enjoy KW-triO with confidence &satisfication.


鑽孔工具, 手動工具配件, 打釘機, 其他電動工具, 捲尺, 雷射度量工具, 打包工具/配件, 木材, 水平儀, 金屬建材

公司名稱: 堡勝企業股份有限公司
地址: 515 彰化縣大村鄉平和村山腳路162-1號
電話: 886-4-852-1174
傳真: 886-4-852-1013
網址: www.kw-trio.com
