Video Game Card
- 產品型號:
- X9TF
-New generation storage device (no booting tool required)
-The same size as an original DS cart
-Uses MicroSD card, FAT16
-Supports MicroSD speed Adjustment
-Supports movie/MP3/eBook/Comic Book and photo on the DS via homebrew(by DLDI)
-Supports Clean ROM, drag and drop. Works on any OS
-Built in Passcard function
-Automatically detect the save type & automatic generate saver file
-Compatible all gamesave type (4k, 64k , 512k EEPROM, 2M and 4M Flash)
-Save to onboard chip or MicroSD card, real save method or patch save method
-Supports 99.99% homebrew . (via DLDI)
-User friendly skinnable interface . Touchscreen or button operation
-Support WiFi , DS rumble pack & DS browser
-Supports Multi Language , NO language bias price
-Support User Skin DIY , Adjust the menu.txt to change the Language and OS font color
-Supports the Soft Reset*(release soon)
-Built in Action Replay function*(release soon)
-Built in WiFi Transfer function*(release soon)