- 產品型號:
- UIDDx 3160 160W Series
- 原產地:
- 中國, 台灣
- 材質:
- PC 94V0
- 顏色:
- Black / White
* AC IP : 100-240V
DC O/P: 12V 11.67A ; 15V 9.3A ; 20V 8.0A ; 24V 6.67A
( IEC 320 C14 & C18 Available )
* Product Highlights
Energy Efficiency
* Protection :
Short Circuit Protection
Over Voltage Protection
Over Current Protection
* Safety : UL, PSE , CB, CE, UKCA, FCC
* Safety Standard : 60950-1 / 62368-1 / PSE 別表第八準拠
* Energy efficiency Level VI
* Comply with ErP/DoE,Commission Regulation(EU) 2019/1782 and
Meet DOE 10 CFR part 429 and 430
More specifications (pdf)