- 产品型号:
Made in Taiwan Designed in USA
The most important component in a duplicator is the controller. Our controller (the duplicator's motherboard) is specially programmed to offer the highest quality performance of any controller on the market. We design our controllers to better meet your needs for both performance and aesthetics. The quality of the controller can make all the difference between making perfect CD and DVD copies or ending up with failed or low quality copies. In fact, if you took two identical duplicators with the only variables being the controllers, our controller will produce a better PIPO number every time (scale for measuring DVD disc quality). In addition to compatibility, we make a more powerful controller that ensures proper functioning and more reliability. The added power allows our controller to offer better performance and more options. Many of our controllers come standard with a 128MB ~ 256MB memory buffer for the best reading performance of any duplicator on the market.
In addition, these models are available with Blu-ray duplication capability standard, and the option to add LightScribe labeling capability as well for an instant LightScribe publishing system.
Since we started out as a system integrator and continue to build our own towers, we are uniquely qualified to fully understand how to develop a controller that works best in a multi-drive manual tower compatible with the largest selection of blank media and writer drives. To show our level of technical expertise, we are an official testing station for major CD/DVD media and writer drive manufacturers to ensure that their products will function properly for the duplication market.
We can customize the controller to best match your needs, whether it's a small name change or a more complex alteration of the entire programming, if it's feasible we can make it happen.